Website Design & Development, Digital Branding & Identity.

Auckland University Press is New Zealand’s leading scholarly publisher of books. The organisation aims to celebrate the talent of the university’s scholars by publishing and distributing their work.
The aim of this project was to increase traffic to the website and to promote sales, along with refreshing the appearance of the website in general. Functionality wise, the author and illustrator should be a key component to the website.
- CMS design
- User Experience design
- User Interface design
- Ecommerce build

A key objective for this website was to put the author and the illustrator at the forefront of the browsing experience. The ability to sort by author is not normally a feature that ecommerce platforms offer.
To achieve this we created the search by author page. Essentially this filters a long list of authors by letter/word, making it easy for users to find the work of their favourite author or illustrator.
We also set each author as a type of ‘category’ that users can interact with to find more from their favourite author. Browsing by author is now an effective way to navigate the website.

These google analytics statistics indicate the early success of the website less than a few weeks after launch.
Today the stakeholder boasts that they are now making more than double the sales of the old website and putting the old web traffic numbers to shame.

The finished website looks gorgeous and makes browsing the stores content easy and engaging.
It celebrates the artwork of the books and puts the author and the illustrator at the forefront of the experience.